One of the benefits of modern media is that the use of the latest technology has changed the speed of conveying information to various parts of the world. A few decades ago the catchment phrase was the latest news; Today the popular phrase is headlines because people receive the latest news every hour, every hour. Unlike before, people received news of the day or week after the incident occurred. Previously, it was a clear global news, now it has become more specific using phrases like Islam News, Culture News, Middle East New, and online news. Because the internet, the world is getting smaller and people -people get easy access to the latest news development. This is a development that is welcomed because people will be able to digest specific information easily.
Online technology has enabled people to find and accept the development of news by clicking the mouse. And not only that, they can type special key words such as Gulf News, International Business News, and Middle East News to arrive easily on the web page they want immediately. In the past, the patience of newspaper readers must be tested before they could read the latest Muslim news, Islamic news, and Middle Eastern news. The search bar feature has a slender time limit to access certain news to the reader. In addition, some of the functions of these sites have exposed readers for links that provide related information from the event.
Readers must be skim from various pages to find one article about World Business News. Often, readers have missed the news that they want to read because they are buried in the inner page. In addition, the newspaper then did not provide an in -depth analysis of the events that occurred during that time. The online edition has categorized various news such as World Business News, International Business News, News in the Middle East, and Islamic news, to provide further details when the event takes place every second in a day. And because this reader is better informed and more clarified with problems.
The next internet has made an additional source of information for everyone. The web does not host online edition main newspaper. This is home to websites and blogs that concentrate on certain news categories. Thus, you only have a site for Islam News, Blog for Culture News, and web pages that only serve Gulf News. In addition, thousands of articles that deal specifically with topics such as Islamic news, international business news, and Middle Eastern business news, only for some names that are easily accessible. This gives more objective and detailed information readers of special interests.
It has been predicted before the web will replace the newspaper as the main source of the latest event information. This is the reason why newspapers have invaded the web to benefit from this development. Currently, the off line and online versions are available for everyone. It is not certain whether the land base newspaper will suffer from extinction as well as dinosaurs. However, people still enjoy the two versions.